What is a Valvetronic/Valved Exhaust?


What is a Valvetronic/Valved Exhaust?

 By: Brandon Arpin


A Valvetronic or Valved Exhaust is an exhaust that has multiple pathways of exhaust flow, all controlled by a valve that opens and closes. This valve directs the exhaust through the different chambers changing the volume and tone of the vehicles engine. The valve itself can be electronic or pneumatic.
Many newer vehicles like BMW come from factory with electronic valves. Valvetronic Designs develops its exhausts for these vehicles to be plug and play with either the factory valves, or the separate Valvetronic Designs valve control kits that can be found HERE
Pneumatic valves are controlled by vacuum. Our universal mufflers use a vacuum valve system controlled by our vacuum control box. This box creates vacuum pressure separate from the engine vacuum to open and close the valves, allowing full controllability of the valve operation, even with the engine off. Valved exhausts truly are the future of the automotive industry.
With exhaust laws becoming more strict across the country, Valvetronic exhausts can help keep our hobby alive. Allowing us to be courteous to our neighbors, avoid hefty fines, but also enjoy our fun cars when the time is appropriate. 

Would like to purchase a hard wire “open & close “switch to dash mount. No bluetooth/remote. There should be a repeater bulb/light, so you have confirmation of the valves being “ closed”.
Than you

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